Organize your office files into digital file storage and search and locate them from the list of files with much ease, allowing faster access to the file and its contents, through search and indexing.
We provide a highly advanced reporting engine and advanced data marking tools for you to efficiently handle your office files.

Convert your library to an online library with the ability for visitors to read the books online and even rent books online with monthly subscription fees and even allowing the users to download e-books.
Maintain catalogs, search books, manage lending of books and also restrict access or actions based on permissions.
We provide the tools software and training for digitalizing your library.
Theses, reference books and others can be made available on intranet for quick and easy access at your university and campuses

If you have a personal library of some of the finest and rarest book that you would like your friends or people coming to your website to read we can enable your website to become an online personal library for viewers to come read and go.

Need to convert data from scrolls, parchments or delicate historic documents for preservation purposes and even for archiving and publications.
A kind of data migration, by which historic documents are secured.
we provide more cost effective data archiving solutions.